Sunday, March 21, 2010

Yesterday was one of the best days of my life

Seriously. Yesterday I was at a biannual trade show where I sell my book. I started working the trade show 6 months ago. Last time I was there, I had reasonable success as a first-time vendor selling my book Stop Overeating Today! This time was looking better. I was more relaxed and had some great freebies to hand out. I made an audio cd with tips like: 1) 5 ways to eat more fruits and vegetables 2) one mistake to avoid when trying to lose weight 3) 2 new ways to beat emotional eating and 4) how to play a more empowering role around food. I was also handing out shopping bags for free, because some of these shoppers had their bags full and their arms full too. Handing out free things without expecting a sale was a good feeling. I was reaching a new audience - people who wouldn't normally go out and buy a book on weight loss and wellness.

So here's the part about yesterday being AWESOME. One lady walked passed my table and almost nonchalantly remarked, "I love this book! I lost 50 pounds since I bought it 6 months ago at this event."
My jaw dropped. I just stared at her.
--"You lost 50 pounds since you read my book!" I exclaimed. "Can I give you a hug?"

Because there was so much going on, I didn't have a chance to ask her which tips were the most effective for her. Usually there are some that are universally moving. Tip #10 that talks about how to stop emotional eating by using the 4 questions is powerful, as is the one about getting over your guilt trip. I did ask for her e-mail and she said she'd send me before and after pics (yay!) and a testimonial.

I was absolutely thrilled for her - so proud of her. Another woman stopped by my table and told me about her heart attack 10 years ago and how changing her eating habits will literally change her life. She bought my book and I asked her to follow up with me.

Why are some people successful and others not? That is another question I will ask my 50 pounds lighter friend. In my own experience, it's because you are dedicated. What makes someone dedicated? Persistence (just take your stubbornness and use it to benefit yourself), humility (realizing you can't do it on your own and you need help), self-respect (loving yourself enough to help yourself, and a positive attitude. That's what helped me. Just the high you get from losing the first couple pounds can mobilize you to continue doing the positive things you are doing. Learning how to talk to yourself and get rid of negative self-talk was probably, for me, the #1 influence that helped me lose 35 pounds.

What about you? If you've lost a bunch of weight in the past, what was your secret? If you are trying to lose weight now, what do you think it would be? Comment and let me know!

(sidenote: after hearing that woman's incredible success story, I told everyone who stopped by my table and sold twice as many books as last time. Mentioning I was featured on the Dr. Laura Show didn't hurt either)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. You are amazing! you are changing peoples lives!

  3. Thanks Rachel! You are so encouraging :)

  4. Hi Camille, your site is great, I have a feeling I'll be checking it out all afternoon! I've lost 16 pounds in the last 9 weeks by taking Alli and I think what is making me stick to it this time is that I realized I couldn't take away what I considered the highlight of my day (food!) without replacing it with something else that would have me springing out of bed in the morning, so I'm devoting myself to completing a long-awaited goal, and following the menus I created ahead of time has got me losing weight without really focusing on it. I've got another 19 pounds to go and I feel great. I love the upbeat and clever advice on your site, thank you for the inspiration!

  5. Hi Jennifer, Thanks for your comment! CONGRATULATIONS on your 16 pounds!! You know those restaurants you go into that ring a bell when you give them a tip? Imagine I have my own big bell and I'm ringing it for you right now loudly. I love what you said about replacing food instead of just taking it away. Yes! You can replace it with different foods, water, even exercise. Keep it up and I hope you keep coming back to the blog for motivation.
