Monday, February 15, 2010

Visualize Thin and Healthy

Do you need weight loss motivation, especially when you feel like overeating or not exercising? One of the most powerful weight loss tools is tapping into the power of visualization. Anyone can start practicing visualization today. It is easy to learn and has fantastic results.

To begin, create a simple goal in your mind, such as going on a walk outside for exercise. Now, answer a couple questions. When would you like to go on this walk? After work? In ten minutes? Visualize yourself getting everything ready so you can go. Will you need to change your clothes and put on your running shoes? Do you need to fill up your water bottle? In your mind's eye, see yourself going through these motions with crystal clarity, as though it were actually happening. Now, decide where you will go on your walk. Will it be around your neighborhood? If so, imagine and picture the route you will take and the sights you will see, as the sounds you will hear, and how good it will feel to be using your muscles and accomplishing your goal. Now that you have everything mapped out in your head and you have visualized with crystal clarity how you can accomplish your goal, all you need to do is get going. Visualizing helps clear your mind of obstacles that may stand in your way when you are not clear about what your goal is and exactly how you will accomplish it. It gives you a sense of empowerment and motivation and is a weight loss tool you can utilize on a daily basis.

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