Monday, April 19, 2010

Waste Money vs. Overeat - What Would YOU Do?

I was eating out the other day and came across another reason people overeat. I had ordered a big subway-type sandwich and was just two bites away from finishing the whole thing. My stomach indicated it was full. But I looked down at those little two bites and the thought popped into my head, "But I paid for this! Shouldn't I get to eat ALL of it?" It wasn't enough to take home. During this economy stretching the dollar and getting our money's worth is even more attractive. But is it worth overeating to say you didn't waste any food?

I say it's not worth it. Because the more you bend the rules and overeat, the more of a habit that will become instead of an infrequent event. The more you stop listening to your body by eating when you are full, the more your ability to sense what your body needs will diminish.

So, you decide. The two bites of food I had left probably were worth about 66 cents. If someone were to say to you, "Hey, I'll pay you 66 cents if you'll overeat," would you go for it? I hope not! Just something to think about next time you eat out and you feel entitled to get your money's worth.

So, what would you do if you were in my shoes? Would you have finished the sandwich?

To find out more about the award-winning book Stop Overeating Today!, visit

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