Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Greek Method to Stop Overeating

Have you ever heard of macrobiotics? It is a Greek-derived diet that favors locally grown grains and vegetables. I'm not going to focus on that part of the diet, however. It's the manner in which people are taught to eat that is interesting to me.

The macrobiotic way prescribes that you take smaller bites of food and that you chew them thoroughly. This means it will take you twice as long or even three times as long to finish your meal if you eat like most Americans do, quickly and unconsciously.

Have any of you ever fed a baby? You have to give them tiny bites of whatever they are eating so they don't choke. It takes a long time. I know, I've got a 14-month old.

Try this today, even if it's just for a small snack. Take extra time to take small bites and chew them thoroughly, so that the food is totally liquefied in your mouth before you swallow.

Although it's probably not realistic for you to adopt macrobiotic eating for the rest of your life (who has the time?), it's good to slow down, savor the flavor, and enjoy each bite. The whole purpose is to cut down on overeating, and this tip will help you do just that.


To find out more about the book Stop Overeating Today! and read free chapters, visit

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