Thursday, June 10, 2010

Cat litter can help you lose weight

This is a guest post by Betty Hoeffner,

The other day I bought some cat litter at the store. The 28lb Scoop Away was on sale so I decided to scoop up two. As I lifted these heavy vessels into my shopping cart I thought to myself - wow this is really heavy. Then I thought how grateful I was that I didn't have to carry that heavy container around with me because I had a cart.

Then I thought ... wait a minute - how much extra weight am I carrying around on my bones? I did a quick calculation and I thought - darn, I am carrying the equivalent of this container of cat litter around with me. It made me take a minute and actually pick up another container of the litter and just hold it so I could fully understand the sense of what the extra weight on me must feel like to my body.

So, the next time you are in the grocery store, take a visit to the pet section and pick up a container of cat litter and just let it sink in about what the stress of carrying around that much weight can do to your body. No wonder our backs, knees, ankles and feet sometimes hurt. Remember that the next time you reach for seconds or think you'll take on pass on exercising. Let's get to be that "size healthy" Queen Latifah talks about and make ourselves a little litter, er... lighter.


To read free chapters of the book Stop Overeating Today! and see why Dr. Laura made it her Book of the Week, visit:

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