Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Wait is Over...!

Hi again. So the website I mentioned last week is up and ready to visit. Here's the link: Check it out so you can get your daily motivation to exercise and have more energy, enjoy a better mood, and be more productive.

On a different note, I am doing a product review of Trader Joe's brownie mix. Some people call it No Guilt Brownies, others call it No Pudge Brownies. Whatever. They are the same thing.

I saw it the other day on a shopping trip and it intrigued me because it says it's fat free. I thought, "yuck, that can't be appetizing." I've never had fat free brownies before. But I wanted to try it out, because I've never eaten anything that wasn't yummy from Trader Joes. So into my cart went the No Guilt Pudge Brownies.

The secret ingredient that you replace the oil with is vanilla yogurt. I stirred it together and it seemed too dry, but after a couple of minutes I had a nice shiny glop of dough ready to go into the oven.

Thirty minutes later I tried the brownies. Verdict? They were REALLY REALLY GOOD. In fact, I think I may switch to these as my new favorite brownie recipe. Usually brownies feel heavy in my stomach because they are weighed down with oil. Not so with these. I felt light and like I was digesting it really easily.

So next time you are at your friendly neighborhood Trader Joes, give them a try!

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