Friday, June 18, 2010

Going Overboard and Getting Back on Track

Ever had a day when you overate and thought, "What the heck, I've already gone off track, I might as well eat as much a I want?" I can definitely relate to this because this thought appealed to me sometimes when I was overcoming my overeating challenges.

But the logic in that statement is totally skewed. That's like saying, "Well, if I can't be perfect, I might as well become a hellion." Or, "If I get a speeding ticket today, I might as well drive 90 MPH the rest of the day because I've already screwed up." Not only is that all or nothing thinking not rational, but it can be costly.

So, what to do next time you do overeat and get off track? How can you keep yourself from that all or nothing thinking?

Come up with a phrase or mantra to counter the thought telling you it's okay to overeat because you've already gone off track. It could be: "Because I've already gone off track, I'm going to stop and get back on track!" Or it could be, "I'm already off my plan, so I'm going to quit feeling guilty and start being proactive and healthy again." It's your mantra, you come up with what works and feels genuine for you.

Readers, I'd love to hear some of the skewed rationalization you have used to overeat and what mantra you come up with to get back on track - thanks!

For 33 tips to help you get back on track, check out my book's website:

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