Monday, June 7, 2010

Oprah Here I Come!!!

Oprah is looking for a NEW face for a NEW talk show. I have an idea for a talk show that is desperately needed in today's world. Did you know that the news channels on TV use negative headlines because negativity attracts people? People hear words like disaster, death, and tragedy and they want to know more about it.

My talk show takes a different approach and focuses on heroic events and amazing stories of American people who have overcome tragedies in their lives and inspired others. It would roll out the red carpet and interview teachers, firemen, and people with heroic and uplifting stories.

Here's what I'm asking you to do. Let Oprah know that you agree that my show is needed in today's world. Can you do me a favor and vote for my video? Here's the link. request=video_details&response_id=6911&promo_id=1

As a way to say "thank you" for your vote, I am offering my book Stop Overeating Today! at a 40% discount, for a special price of $7.80, for the next three days. Use Google Checkout and the coupon code OPRAH. (I have never offered a price so low and may not ever again).

Thanks for your support!

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